Uomini_Imprese_giugno_2014 - page 29

giugno 2014
Quandoparliamodi export italianodi qua-
le realtà e di quali grandezze parliamo?
’Il made in Italy è considerato uno dei
brand mondiali più riconoscibili e apprez-
zati. Il prodotto italiano, infatti, rappresen-
ta un esempio di assoluta eccellenza. Oltre
alle ben note ‘tre effe’ (food, fashion and
forniture), l’export italiano è in grado di
competere in molti altri settori, come quel-
li dell’alta tecnologia ad alto tasso di inno-
vazione, la meccanica e la produzione di
macchine utensili. Questa è una grande ri-
sorsa che è necessario valorizzare ulterior-
mente: in un momento di grande difficoltà
della domanda interna, infatti, sono state
le esportazioni a tenere a galla l’economia.
Il trend è positivo e questo dato sembra es-
sere confermato dai numeri: rispetto a ot-
tobre 2012, la bilancia commerciale nazio-
nale nel 2013 è passata da 2,3 a 4,1 miliardi
di euro (+1,8 mld). Questo malgrado una
dinamica dei cambi pesantemente sfavo-
The optimismof quality
In a time of spending reviews, it’s
not easy to pursue new development
policies. This is even more true given
that the much vaunted ‘Italian system’
continues to look more like a hopeful
idea than a reality. And if we then
start talking about competing globally,
things get complicated, and for Italian
entrepreneurs the road is all too often
Add to this the perennial question of the
‘dwarfism’ of our companies and the
constant and painful consequences of the
economic crisis, and the gloomy picture
is complete.
It is here that the ICE (Agency
for the foreign promotion and
internationalization of Italian businesses)
must operate. This is no easy task.
By what means, then, and with which
strategies and attitudes can such a
mission be carried out? We spoke directly
to ICE president, Riccardo Monti:
‘’Made in Italy is considered one of the
world’s most recognizable and respected
brands, and Italian products are seen
as exemplary of absolute excellence. I
consider myself an instinctive optimist”,
Monti continues. “I try to take this
approach in everything I do, especially
when representing and promoting
Italian products abroad. I also try to
ensure that this characteristic is not
merely fanciful, and that it doesn’t
obfuscate the existence of problems and
their true scale”.
When it comes to Made in Italy, one
must always pay ‘’maximum attention
to Italian SMEs”, advises the president.
“It is from this fabric that the products
of Made in Italy are woven; it is this
fabric that represents our excellence.
This is why ICE is closely tied to Italian
businesses, and strives to become ever
LaFerrari e laVespa sonodue
iconedelMade in Italynel
mondonel settoreAutomotive.
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